I'm still doing this, just taking February, and most of March off for a break. Most of the interiors are built, but Building 60 interiors, day and night took a lot out of me. I pushed myself to unhealthy limits for a very long time. The amount of time and effort I had put into everything, and the no shows which have held back the advancement of the project. Then when I finalized everything, I canceled my celebration, removed the mod, and trying again. I'm cleaning up, distancing myself, will be doing retro streaming for a while with friends to stabilize my mental state, and relieve an immense amount of stress I put my self into. Project will continue after I reformat and starting at a clean slate where I left off. That was the whole point of it. To continue. Let people add their own quests. Make something new, keep the ball rolling. But don't expect me to do everything and wear myself out.

You can watch me on twitch.tv at - www.twitch.tv/jshrapnelc

Thank you so much for your hard work on making this mod (DLC). I have dabbled in the past with the "creation kit", so I know how difficult it is to pull off something like this.
I have a question about the Sanatogan library. I have spent days (literally) trying to get into the secret room there. I can't find the Mayor's Library Key. I looked into his terminal and cannot find the safe in his room that was referenced. I tried to log on to the terminal in the library, but keep getting "incorrect login info". Judging from the length of the *s, I am assuming that the user name is Goodman and the password is abracadabra.
I even…
We just found your mod and are in love with it! We can immerse into exploring, The maze was scary I turned off my light and let myself slip into the maze slowly exploring it and now and then a { I call them zombies } hahaha would pop up and make me jump. The lo place.. ohhhh I wanted in so bad to see inside... could not find the key so I will be returning to the area after I finish unlocking the…